Homocysteine is a protein that can damage the lining of blood vessels, interfere with blood clotting, oxidize LDL, and cause the formation of arterial plaques. Homocysteine lowering is good for your heart. Keeping Homocysteine levels in check may help reduce cardiovascular disease risk. These lowering benefits can be obtained by eating certain foods, i.e., bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, milk, yogurt, and cold breakfast cereals. Of course, losing weight and exercising regularly also can help you stave off cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Cardiovascular disease is increased not only by family history but also from excess weight, diabetes, high blood pressure, advanced age, inactivity, high cholesterol, smoking, and being male. Do everything you can to get and stay healthy. Your future may depend on it. Minimize your exposure to toxins. Learn everything you can about what it takes to win, then enjoy every minute of health you have!
Parts of this article are from Utah Health Magazine - May 2005
Labels: age, family history, health, heart disease, high blood pressure, homocysteine, lose weight, smoking